5 Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Insights for Resume Writers

Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon that affects professionals in various fields, and yes, resume writers, you're not immune to it either – I've heard it all too often.

"Who said I could be a resume writer?"

Well, YOU did. And, it's time to fully embrace that fact.

Despite being experts in your field, many of you find yourselves grappling with self-doubt and feeling like imposters.

But it's crucial to acknowledge and tackle these feelings head-on to unlock your full potential and offer top-notch services to your clients. In this blog post, we will delve into five invaluable tips specifically tailored to help resume writers conquer imposter syndrome and rediscover confidence in their abilities.

1. Embrace Continuous Learning:

Imposter syndrome often surfaces when you fear not being knowledgeable enough or staying up-to-date with the latest trends.

The antidote? Dedicate time to continuous learning. Keep yourself informed about industry advancements by attending workshops, webinars, and conferences, and actively engage in professional development activities.

As your knowledge and skill set expand, so will your self-assurance in your expertise, enabling you to serve your clients more effectively.

Remember: Start with what you know, and be honest about any limits to that scope of knowledge. There are still many job candidates who need that particular skill set – there is no need to sell it as ‘more’, until you know more.

Need help with this? We offer 1:1 mentoring for resume writers. Click here to view this offering.

2. Celebrate Your Achievements:

Resume writers tend to downplay their achievements, sometimes attributing them to luck or external factors.

Yes, there is so much outside of our control when it comes to the candidate application outcomes – but take a moment to bask in your accomplishments and acknowledge the sheer effort and dedication that went into them.

Craft a list of your successes, gather positive feedback from clients, and highlight the milestones you've reached.

Whenever self-doubt tries to creep in, refer to this list as a potent reminder of your capabilities and the value you bring to your clients.

3. Seek Support and Feedback:

Imposter syndrome can make you feel like you're alone in this experience. Don't let it.

Reach out to fellow resume writers or become part of professional communities such as Resume Writers Australia Facebook Community , where you can connect with like-minded individuals.

Engage in discussions, exchange experiences, and seek support from your peers.

Furthermore, actively solicit feedback from both clients and colleagues. Positive feedback will reinforce your skills, while constructive criticism will be a catalyst for your growth and improvement.

Remember: Imposter Syndrome is a feeling, not a fact. Having a trusted mentor or support network can help you normalize your feelings and provide a source of reassurance and motivation as you grow your business.

4. Practice Self-Reflection and Self-Compassion:

Imposter syndrome often gives rise to negative self-talk and self-criticism.

Counteract this by nurturing self-reflection and self-compassion.

Dedicate time to identify your strengths, recognise your growth, and cherish your unique approach to resume writing. Celebrate the fact that you are one of less than 10% of Australian adults who are running a business (NAB Insight Report 2022), which takes so much courage in the first place.

Treat yourself with kindness and empathy, just as you would a dear friend or a valued client.

Remember, we all make mistakes, and it's through these experiences that we evolve and thrive. Be patient with yourself while you learn the trade.

5. Focus on Client Success Stories:

One of the most potent ways to conquer imposter syndrome is by shifting your focus from self-doubt to client success stories.

Remind yourself of the substantial positive impact your work has had on your clients' lives.

Collect testimonials and success stories from satisfied clients and revisit them whenever you need a boost of confidence.

Recognising the value you bring to others will reinforce your belief that you are indeed an expert in your field – plus, by actively collecting this it becomes an asset bank of testimonials and feedback that you can use in your marketing!

BONUS POINT: Manage your clients expectations!

A personal tip from me is that my performance anxiety has significantly lessened through effective management of client expectations. By being upfront, authentic, and transparent about my approach, my ability and my processes, it has allowed my clients to know exactly what they are walking into before we start - and, an informed client is normally a happy one.

Take the time to consider what your client experience is like, how you can improve it, provide more information effectively, and manage your time in a way that ensures you can deliver quality services every single time.

Want some support with this one? Check out our recent microsession inside Velocity, “Managing Expectations: Providing a clear scope to deliver your services transparently and within your boundaries - without disappointing your clients” a 40 minute presentation on how you can improve your service through effective client management. Click here to access this session for $1 (introductory rate for the Velocity Membership).

Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you.
— Unknown Source

Imposter syndrome can be a significant hurdle for resume writers, especially in the start up phase, hindering your ability to deliver exceptional services and reach your full potential.

By wholeheartedly embracing continuous learning, celebrating achievements, seeking support, practicing self-reflection and self-compassion, and keeping your gaze fixed on client success stories, you can triumph over imposter syndrome and rediscover unwavering confidence in your skills.

Remember, you're not alone in grappling with these doubts, and with persistence and self-belief, you can conquer them and thrive in your profession.


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