The Dangers of Using ChatGPT for Your Resume and How to Mitigate Them

In today's digital age, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies have made their way into various aspects of our lives, including the job search process.

One area where AI has gained significant traction is in helping candidates draft their resumes.

Tools like ChatGPT can provide invaluable assistance, but they also come with their fair share of pitfalls.

In this blog, we'll explore the dangers of using ChatGPT to write your resume and provide tips on how to reduce the risks while harnessing its potential for a more successful job search.

The Risks of Using ChatGPT for Resume Writing

1. Lack of Personalisation

One of the most significant dangers of relying solely on ChatGPT to compose your resume is the lack of personalisation or substance in the content. AI may generate generic content that doesn't highlight your unique skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Hiring managers need to see resumes that demonstrate a candidate's suitability for a specific role, using specific and relevant examples that are backed by “proof” in the way of metrics, data, and results. ChatGPT cannot write this for you!

2. Misleading Information

ChatGPT generates content based on the input it receives. If your input is inaccurate, vague, or incomplete, the AI may inadvertently generate misleading information on your resume. This could harm your credibility and hinder your job search. Not to mention, it is unethical to use this on your job application!

3. Limited Understanding of Industry Norms

ChatGPT's knowledge is based on pre-existing data up to its last update in September 2021. It might not be aware of the latest industry trends, best practices, or resume formatting guidelines. Relying solely on AI could result in a resume that appears outdated.

How to Safely Utilise ChatGPT for Resume Writing

While the dangers of using ChatGPT for your resume are real, you can leverage the power of this incredible tool and harness its potential effectively in other ways to support your resume build. Here are some tips to help you use ChatGPT safely:

1. Start with a Clear Vision

Before using ChatGPT, outline your career objectives, key achievements, and the skills you want to emphasise in your resume. This will help you provide more specific input and guide the AI in writing specific responses to criteria to assist your drafting process.

2. Use ChatGPT as a Writing Assistant

Think of ChatGPT as a writing assistant rather than the sole author of your resume. You can use ChatGPT to better understand technical aspects of a role that you’re not familiar with, or determine transferable skills. Just ask it to compare your skillset based on your career history to the job profile of another role, and see how it connects the dots. It’s not 100% accurate, so take a grain of salt with the results.

3. Cross-Reference Industry Standards

Research current resume trends and industry-specific resume guidelines. Ensure your resume adheres to these standards, even when using ChatGPT's assistance. For example: Use less words to say more is best practice for job applications/resume writing – whereas ChatGPT is renowned for using more words, with less content substance.

4. Proofread Thoroughly

AI can make grammatical errors or generate awkward sentences. Proofread your resume carefully to eliminate any such issues and ensure readability. (Hint: Have you heard of the term “hallucenation” in reference to AI? This is when ChatGPT or other writing bots get their wires crossed and start pumping out all sorts of weird and wonderful content. User beware!)

5. Avoid Copy-Pasting

Resist the temptation to copy-paste the AI-generated content directly into your resume. Instead, use it as a reference and input source, then rewrite it in your own words to maintain authenticity.

6. Seek Feedback

Share your resume with trusted colleagues, mentors, or professional resume writers. They can provide valuable feedback and help identify any areas where personalisation or clarification is needed.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT and similar AI tools can be powerful aids in the resume-writing process, they should not replace the human touch and expertise.

The dangers of using ChatGPT for resume writing can be mitigated by using it as a research tool, starting with a clear vision, and thoroughly reviewing and editing the content generated by the AI.

When used wisely, ChatGPT can be a valuable asset in your job search toolkit, helping you create a compelling resume that stands out to potential employers.


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