The Hidden Gems of a Resume Writing Side Hustle: My Personal Journey

In the bustling world of side hustles, where every passion can turn into profit, one often-overlooked avenue shines brightly: resume writing. I sort of landed on resume writing through chance: I have always been a go-to in my family and friendship circles for anything writing related, including job applications, and following a major career change years before, I had developed an addiction to checking the job boards. Combined, I had a bit of knowledge and experience up my sleeve to start writing resumes.

I had written a resume for a family friend, and he jokingly said, “You should be charging me for this!

Light bulb moment: I’ll start a resume writing business!

I had dabbled in other side hustles before, including a dropshipping model selling childrens clothing, but nothing lit me up like this venture. And…there started my business journey that would turn out to be a move that changed the trajectory of my life!

The Benefits That Beckon:

Embarking on a resume writing side hustle wasn't just about padding my pockets with extra cash (although that was the initial motivator for starting!). It offered many advantages, from financial security to personal growth. Here is my fairly long PRO list for starting a resume writing business as a side hustle:

  • Financial Safety Net: With minimal upfront costs and high-profit margins, the financial risk was significantly lower compared to other ventures. When I say high profit margins, I mean it – my expenses added up to about 3% of my income, so every dollar earned was pretty much coming back to me. My main expenses were PayPal/Website fees, insurance, and bulk coffee for those initial late nights! 

  • Additional Income: Every project brought in supplementary income, easing the burden of living expenses and nurturing a sense of financial independence. In my first year, I earned just shy of $5k, the following year $10k, and the 3rd year I earned $22,500. For 5-7 hours a week, it’s not bad coin, and it certainly supported some ‘extras’ including our wedding and an extended interstate driving holiday! 

  • Skill Development: From honing my business acumen to mastering the art of time management, each project was a crash course in professional growth. Juggling the side-hustle business demanded excellent time management, and I eventually developed the 5-step writing process that I’ve been teaching in Resume Academy® since 2018.

  • Diversification of Income Streams: As part of our greater wealth plans/strategy, hubby and I were keen on building more income streams for our household. The resume writing business was our most successful by far, and the flexibility meant I could ‘pull that lever’ whenever we needed to. Hubby also had a casual security role alongside his defence career, overtime opportunities, and his own Art business, which all contributed to this wealth strategy.

  • Entrepreneurial Experience: The side hustle wasn't just about crafting resumes; it was a crash course in entrepreneurship, complete with its trials and triumphs. I have learned more building a business than I ever did in my Diplomas or half-finished economics degree (which, was boring as hell – no offence to the economists out there!). 

  • Creative Outlet: Amidst the rigors of daily life as a Mum of two toddler (then three, then four!), resume writing became my sanctuary—a canvas where I could unleash my creativity and leave an indelible mark. I was working with clients, developing processes, building websites and social media marketing campaigns – and more importantly, learning about myself!

  • Networking Potential:  Every client interaction was an opportunity to expand my network, forge meaningful connections, and fuel the flames of professional growth. My previous clients were the biggest cheerleaders I had, and I wish I kept data on how many clients in my side hustle business were actually referrals from other clients so I could demonstrate the powerful impact that had on my bottom line.  I also launched myself into online communities to find like-minded businesswomen which ended up being the BEST BUSINESS MOVE I could have ever made – including investing in a coach for accountability. 

It's not all rainbows – navigating the hurdles

But make no mistake; the road to success wasn't exactly a breeze. I encountered my fair share of challenges, each demanding its pound of flesh:

  • Time Management: Balancing a full-time job, family responsibilities, and a burgeoning side hustle was akin to juggling flaming torches. Yet, through trial and error, I crafted a meticulous five-step writing process that became my saving grace. I remember the catalyst for the 5step process – a 3am finish on a resume draft that ended up being a LOT more work than I had bargained for. I knew I had to find another way – and I did, thankfully!

  • Imposter Syndrome: The HARDEST one by far: wrestling with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt was a constant battle. It took courage to shed the safety of not ‘putting myself out there’ and embrace my newfound identity as a resume writer and business owner. 

  • Skills Development: In a sea of scepticism and misinformation, learning the ropes of resume writing was akin to navigating a labyrinth. But with a bit of grit and perseverance (or maybe stubbornness?), I kept learning, kept asking questions, and kept evolving. In this, my writing and skills for supporting my clients got better and better.

Celebrating Triumphs and Learning Curves: What I learned

Despite the hurdles, staying at it allowed the time and space to build a very strong foundation for my business. Some key takeaways that I wish I knew to begin with:

  • Simplicity is Key: Embracing simplicity—be it in financial transactions or client interactions—proved to be a game-changer, streamlining my workflow and building efficiency. For example, I used PayPal for every payment no matter what – it gave my clients the option to pay via PayPal if they had it, and if not, use a credit card as a guest in the checkout. This meant that my financial management was in the click of a button via PayPal, where I could retrieve reports quickly and easily. I didn’t offer bank transfer (and still don’t- a personal preference). You don’t need fancy websites or spend a ton of cash on advertising – although it is tempting, keeping it simple is the best advice I could give you!

  • The Power of Branding: Shedding the mask of perfection and embracing my authentic self was very difficult. But, when I stopped hiding behind a logo and showed up online for my clients and audience, I found that my marketing was resonating with clients on a deeper level. My business seemed to explode overnight – because humans want to work with HUMANS. It also helped with the imposter syndrome – my clients KNEW what they were investing in, a hardworking mum who did not work traditional business hours. I didn’t have to pretend I was working in a corporate office anymore! It was exhausting living a double life leading up to that moment.

  • Staying True to What I Know: In a world inundated with buzzwords and gimmicks, I learned to anchor myself to the core principles of resume writing that I had tried, tested and succeeded with. Yes, I did get caught up in “what the hell is an ATS” for a while, but sure enough getting back to basics is always what works for me. 

There’s so much to share on this topic, but on reflection of my journey as a business owner, starting as a side hustle not only provided less risk but also less stress. I didn’t have the stress of not making enough money to be sustainable, and could pick and choose when and how much I worked if I wanted to. I remember feeling really rubbish because I had to keep saying ‘no’ to folks who wanted to book in – what a great problem to have! That did not happen overnight, but through a steady, sustained effort over a few years running a side hustle. When 2019 came around with some serious family hardships and challenges, I was able to have a choice about my work, and my location. My resume writing business become the constant in my life that we could rely upon, and did so for a long time. I truly believe that was only made possible due to running it as a side hustle and building such a strong foundation for my business.

So, if you're contemplating dipping your toes into the world of side hustles, let my journey serve as some information for you to get started —and as a testament to the untapped potential that lies within your business. After all, the greatest adventures often begin with a single step. Just start!


Legal and Ethical Considerations in Resume & Career Services


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